2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA 2016)
October 19-21,2016 University of Talca, Curicó, Chile
Conference Description
Engineering Faculty of the University of Talca, Chile, ACCA and IEEE Chile have a privilege, a pride and joy to be the host of one of the more tradition in Chile and Latin America, how is the XXII Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control ACCA, joint to IEEE International Conference on Automatica, IEEE ICA-ACCA2016.
Undoubtedly, IEEE ICA/ACCA2016 is an excellent opportunity to meet researchers, professional and enterprises involved; to be update important advances in science and technology issues for researchers, academics and professionals from the areas of electrical, electronics, computer science, biomedical engineering, industrial engineering; and to enhance knowledge, promotion and to share experiences and learning.
In this version, some of the topics of the agenda are Mining, especially those concerning sustainability issues, matters little even developed internationally as, for example, those problems associated with socio-environmental impacts on local communities. Also, Energy and its strategic disadvantages associated with the generation, distribution, efficiency and use of it; and others one important for ours countries.
As in the past, Conference will have international keynote speakers to share their views on the current global scenario of innovation, science and technology. It will be a valuable opportunity to project these matters short, medium and long term. In addition, they will be a useful instance to become increasingly important in the development of their fields.
You are welcome to attend, to share knowledge, to tie networks of friendship and cooperation between professionals, academics and students in the areas of the Conference.
For papers submission, you must follow these steps:
- 1) Download the following WORD file to use as a template for your work. When you finish your paper, it must be change to PDF format and upload to Easychair.
- 2) If your paper will be accepted to IEEE ICA/ACCA2016, the final version of it must be
- validated through PDF eXpress. To do this, you must create (if you do not have it) an
- account introducing an user name and PASSWORD. In "Conference ID" must place
- "39356XP" since June 6 and then wait to receive confirmation by email that it has been
- created. Then, you can access to PDF eXpress following the same steps but entering your account. So, it will appear the following message:
- <click on the "Create New Title" button.
- You can convert 10 source files and check PDF files With one 3 Paper ID.
- You are Encouraged to correct all content, spelling, and grammatical errors before using this service>.
- There you can put a name to the file that will be generated, and must raise the article for review. We recommend to directly enter the file in WORD (there is less chance of error).
- If a problem occurs, you receive indications of what should be changed. When
- everything is OK, the system generates a PDF version of it that is suitable to be sent to
- IEEE XPLORE and that is the version that should be sent to Congress.
- 3) If your final paper already has approved by PDF Express Plus, you must upload it for IEEE ICA/ACCA2016 entering to EasyChair using the option "final paper".
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Important Dates
Draft Paper Deadline2016-08-25
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification2016-09-02
Final Paper Deadline2016-10-21
Conference Date
- Scarlett
- Email: scarlett@aconf.org